Start custom Workspace for AutoCAD Map 3D

In previous versions of AutoCAD Map 3D loading custom workspace or Map Classic it was easy, enough to assign the desired workspace and load the new software provided workspace assigned.

Now load the Map Classic or custom workspace must change certain parameters. There are several ways to do it, how to use AutoCAD CUI Editor or also modify the command line to start the software; this tutorial will show Change of Command Line.

First of all already customized our workspace (or use the default Map Classic workspace we skip these steps and go to Step 4), we start the following steps.

STEP 1: Click Workspace Switching

Workspace Switching

Workspace Switching

STEP 2: Click Save Current As …

Save Current As...

Save Current As…

STEP 3: Name: Set the name of our Workspace

My Workspace

My Workspace

And saved the workspace, configure the start of Workspace Settings

STEP 4: Click Settings Workspace

Workspace Settings

Workspace Settings

STEP 5: We chose in My Workspace = workspace and saved earlier, as in step 3.

My Workspace

My Workspace

STEP 6: After that we seek direct access AutoCAD Map 3D and give right click and click Properties

/w “MyWorkspace”

/w “MyWorkspace”

STEP 7: Now just add the destination argument to the program management adds /w «MyWorkspace»

/w "MyWorkspace"

/w «MyWorkspace»

Congratulations completed these steps, now if we start loading the AutoCAD MAP 3D workspace that we established, this way of simple. This is a form there are several ways to do this.

In this case we use / w «MyWorkspace» This parameter is used to start with the default workspace “My Worskpace”, with this we designate the workspace and loaded into the CUIx files before opening AutoCAD.

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